Welcome to the cosmic womb of winter and the Golden Age celebration! How does the new world feel to you? The solar return fire has been lit for the new Mayan tablet and the light with-in is reflecting the truth shining in the darkness. Slipping out of confusing old realities maybe in career desires, living situation, relationships and view of self. Instead of hunkering down or going into survival mode, this is about opening up. There are challenges and huge rewards all around us, perception is being altered, awakening the deepest level of the soul, opening the heart to be a light for others. This kind of metamorphosis calls for a lot of self-care, balance, focus, trust through the inner chaos, as it opens one to look at life from a fresh angle, an exploration of spiritual clearing. Recognize the turning points as opportunities and navigate the obstacles ahead. Say “good-bye” to Dis-ease as a label. Choose your thoughts, choose your language, and witness how your feeding the label or the pattern that feeds the habit that feeds the label. A daily hooping practice helps make the decision to change the outcome by trusting your instincts. The Hoop Habit also:
- Motivates boundless enthusiasm, joy, humor and PLAY!
- Creates a portal of chance and space to put yourself out in the open of universal possibilities.
- Energetically charges the body, lifts spirits, and gets the kundalini moving mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.
- Releases the energetic hold of what’s been the preoccupation (An interest, a person, dis-ease, a sense of direction.)
- Creates Freedom! Breaks free of the shell (or structure) of protection of comfort – keeps you in a vulnerable state.
- Awakens consciousness, trust to the unfolding and blossom into flexibility of Now.
- Set intentions, plant seeds and let emergence take place.
- Offers conscious solutions, be part of the process.
- Dare to Dream BIG! Push the edge of what’s possible and aim high.
Before stepping into your daily hooping practice- Center your mind and breathe, dig deep and ask yourself-what lights my soul’s fire? What is my inner purpose? What makes me so excited I can barely contain myself? Make your personal practice a well-deserved gift to yourself. The stars are on your side, life is an adventure – go hoop it!
Feed the craving…