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Singing, playing, dancing, garden feasts, bonfires, all traditions celebrate Mid- Summer /Solstice. Time of year when pleasure and having “a good ol’ time” is the passion of the season!
Summer Lovin’ ….!

How have you loved yourself today?

The one thing that I’ve learned from my Hoop Habit is:
the best and most powerful way to love others is by loving yourself FIRST!
So, one of the things I’ve been doing do every day for the last 15+ years before getting out of bed, is to give myself a BIG HUG!
That’s right, I’m not a tree hugger, I am a self-hugger!

(aka: Hoop Hugger in Ireland!) Come play with me again next year!
Hooping in Ireland is perfect for getting to the heart of a matter and releasing the power that’s locked up, denied, buried. Ireland navigated me to recall visions that were and are worth aiming toward, not taking life too seriously.
Revive what’s alive inside!

Here is my favorite Hoop Habit Summer Recipe!

Summer Luvin’ Recipe:
Servings: One Healthy Hoop Habit

(1) part Sunny Attitude
(1) Full Smile
(7) parts Expansion
(12+) Spin-fulls of FUN
Pinch of Curiosity (Openness is Optional)

Prepare the rhythm, Add the Beats of the music, mix up quality people, hoops and Spaz on HIGH for 17 minutes. Remove from heat, HYDRATE with a splash of water, then return to the hoop for more spins, allow for the Hoop Habit craving to fill-in all the empty space and revolutionize to taste.

Add the rebellion of freedom, and it’s a recipe for coming back to your own life, taking the road less traveled. Variety is the spice of life.

Feed The Craving….


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