POWER-UP your Hoop Habit

Long Days of Summer are here! Summer Solstice is celebrated in many traditions with fire dances, bonfires, ritual bathing, dipping in the cleansing waters, it’s the season to harvest herbs and honey. While the Sun is lighting up the healing water, soak up the miracle cures of play ful body movement, laugh and walk down […]

Play MAYnia

Make the most of these vital energies of the waxing of the Sun by nourishing the Body, the Mind, the senses, a perfect time to ready the soil of our lives, for if foundations are fertile, any seeds we plant will take and thrive. A great time to invest in what you want to grow, […]

Spring into ACTION

Can you feel the pushing and pulling of expansion yet? It’s about that time of year the average Hooper starts to feel the need to feed the craving so they dust off the hoop and give it spin. At first, emotions run high with inspiration, seeing a chance to change who you are or what […]

Holy Smokes; Spring Cleaning

Holy Smokes its the High Holi-days of Lent, Passover, Equinox and Whale migration, the natural pulse of the season merges with ancient rites. All Spiritual union(s) to get us closer to the Divine. Observe the ceremony that naturally takes place with in each ritual. Spiritual union of self- and then to each other. The hoop […]


This is a time to prepare for rebirth with the Spring Equinox. The time is one of foreshadowing change like ocean tides, the days up to the time change release and bring many ah-has, or True Feelings towards the light. The rhythm of the season, looking within and giving in to inner waves that are […]

New Year; New YOU 2013

2013 Out With the Old- in with the NOW! With the growing light, deep in winter, its a perfect opportunity to lay the groundwork for the year of spectacular achievements. Create the map of your own happiness- the happier you are, the happier those around you will be, and the more fulfilled you’re likely to […]

Hoopy Holi-Daze

Welcome to the cosmic womb of winter and the Golden Age celebration! How does the new world feel to you? The solar return fire has been lit for the new Mayan tablet and the light with-in is reflecting the truth shining in the darkness. Slipping out of confusing old realities maybe in career desires, living […]

Spinning with Gratitude

Change is in the air… can you feel it? This seasonal cycle is perfect for seeing the underpinnings in relationships, machinations of power and what’s causing dis-ease and influences or toxic dynamics we’re stuck in. There is no drama when there is truth; there are no “what if’s” when courage is involved. The hoop’s wisdom […]

You Have All The Info Already

As we harness all the autumn energy, collect the harvest bounty and leap into the unknown, it’s time to honor and enjoy all life’s hard work! Your body is one big computer that is constantly collecting data on your actions, thoughts, words, habits and every experience. All the info you need is there waiting be […]

Clean Cycle

Days are getting shorter here on the US west coast. Our bodies are slowly stepping out of the expansion mode of summer into the season of harvest. Connect with the intentions of 2012- reflect on the seeds planted in spring and witness the fullness of our creations. Time to clean out the cobwebs in all […]