Prema Birthing Teacher & Practitioner Training (& Initiation)
The Prema Birthing Healing System™ is a gentle and powerful way to let go of the negative programming and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck. Each of us is born with a set of circumstances (karma) that creates our experiences. As we live our lives we accumulate fears, false belief systems, and negative programming.
The Prema Birthing Healing System™ can eliminate all kinds of dis-ease from your mind, body, and spirit. This is achieved by directing high vibrational energy into the receptors of the body, which in turn changes the cells of your biology.
A Prema Birthing healing allows you to completely redesign your life by wiping the slate clean, choosing a new reality, and allowing the highest intention for health and happiness to manifest in your life. It’s much like removing old programs from your computer and putting new positive programs in their place.
Become a Practitioner and Teacher of the Prema Birthing Healing System.
During these powerful Practitioner/Teacher Initiation Workshops, you will receive training materials, in-class practice, certification, a source-to-source initiation, and access to SQ Membership.
Prema Birthing Training Overview
** Learn the origin of Prema Birthing and its lineage
** Receive full instruction on how to perform a Prema Birthing healing – in person and remotely
** Learn how to offer a Prema Birthing Training
** Master the So Hum meditation to strengthen your healing practice
** Practicum – doing Prema Birthing Healing Sessions with classmates
** Receive Initiation into the Healing System
** Prema Birthing Healing Technique Best Practices
** Prema Birthing Session Experiences
** Healing Technique & Session Questions and Answers

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More about “Prema Birthing Healing Sessions”:
The Prema Birthing healing system is the most loving way to be REBORN into your True Self. It is a gentle and powerful way for you to let go of the negative programming and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck. “Wipe the slate clean”
Each of us is born with a set of circumstances, or “karmas”, that create our experiences. As we live our lives and learn from our surroundings, we accumulate fears, false belief systems, and negative programming. If you are aware of the things you are ready to let go of at this time in your life, you can release them during a Prema Birthing session. This transforms the environment or receptors in your body, which in turn change the cells of your biology, and dis-ease has to leave. You will emerge with a new program running on your “hard drive.” that says you are whole and well. Truly our greatest healer and teacher lie within. The Prema Birthing process is like bringing you right back to the “programmer” to have old programs, no longer useful in your life, deleted and new positive programs put in their place with your consent so that you are ready to face the world as a whole being
The Prema Birthing is a beautiful healing modality in which your Divine Parents come together in a loving rebirth, with Archangel Michael cutting the ties to your physical birth mother with his sword of truth. Prema Birthing is a birth into a new consciousness. Every time a person goes through this technique they will cancel programs that were running during the time between signing their birth contract and their physical birth process. These programs may still be running their life in a limiting way. During a Prema Birthing session, the Divine Mother and Divine Father come together as golden orbs to become the client’s Divine parents, as the old cord to their physical mother is cut by Archangel Michael’s Sword of Truth.
What People Are Saying About Prema Birthing
The Prema Birthing Healing System is not a new technique. It can be traced back to many cultures, such as the ancient sleep temples of Egypt, the secret teachings of the mystery schools around the world, and even the Tibetan and Hindu yogi secrets. These traditions know that the mind is the creator and manifestor of our lives. Other rebirthing modalities have used similar information, but with limited success because they have forgotten the most important part of the process. Derek channeled this beautiful healing modality in June 2005, during his advanced spiritual study and healing program in Ireland.
An initiation is a rite of passage, often signifying a transition from one phase of life to another. Some initiations are natural life occurrences, such as birth and death, while others are life experiences such as baptism, bar mitzvah, marriage, and giving birth, for example. A Spiritual Initiation, however, involves the transfer of energy from the Source to the initiate, in order to awaken a consciousness or energy within. As the initiate’s consciousness rises, their perspective shifts to a higher vision, and they are able to make higher choices in their daily life, thus supporting their spiritual growth. Genuine spiritual initiations significantly raise the vibration of the initiate, enabling them to hold more energy and Divine Light in their being. Often, spiritual initiations open a channel for a particular Divine sacred energy to flow from Source, through the initiate, to another person, enabling the initiate to be in greater service.
When we are drawn to receive a spiritual initiation, it is because that initiation is part of our destiny, part of our spiritual journey toward enlightenment. Often the energy or consciousness awakened with an initiation already lies within us, and the time is ripe for that energy to rise. We are also drawn to spiritual initiations when we realize that the material world cannot bring us happiness. We search for more meaning in life, and find that a closer connection with Source and being in greater service to others is the only path to fulfillment and discovering our True Self.
You are free to immediately offer the Prema Birthing Teacher and Practitioner Training. Only requirement is to have an active SQ Membership, for all business exchange.
150 in person sessions must be offered BEFORE remote sessions can be shared.