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Spring is a symbol of beginnings, the season when the spirit of individualism is peaking. The light of the sun, igniting inner courage, sparking initiative, and action into the year to come. That first spin toward achieving any dream, strengthens the will to succeed!
My daily Hoop Habit provides the support to get things moving!
This is the zone to grow, the time to receive clarity.
When there is drama, I’ve noticed an imbalance in the solar plexus (3rd Chakra), the power center responsible for digesting life. Taking right action can be overwhelming, yet, breaking down the steps, over time, I trust the efforts will lead to big benefits. I’m learning, if I have faith in myself, and persevere, dreams will happen, when the time is right.
Have patience, its coming… (insert breath here)

Given myself permission to have a ‘big dream once-over‘, with a practical mindset, seeding common sense over spiritual sense. Its spring cleaning for the soul!

Surprise rewards are welcomed when the routine of life directs transformation.
It’s time to give yourself permission, get clear about what you want and go for it ~ Come play with me in in Ireland!

Feed The Craving….


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